Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012

Tante Trude at the 55th London International Antiquarian Book Fair

Tante Trude will be coming with me to London. Just as I’d finished my list of the books I’ll be taking, the telephone rang:

“Is that you, dear boy?”, she asked. I confirmed that it was indeed I, even though I’d just answered the phone, using my and the firm’s name. “I’ll come to London with you”, she announced. “Your mother tells me you are driving over on your own, and I’ll keep you company. It is a long drive.”

Tante Trude is well known for falling asleep as soon as the car doors close, and for snoring in a ladylike fashion until one stops at the destination.

“I’ll let you show me London – you lived there after all. And during the fair I’ll look after your stand, while you go and have tea.”

Tante Trude is under the impression that one has time for a leisurely tea break, probably with little cakes and a steaming pot, during a fair. The paper cups and cardboard plates that the cafeteria hands out will be a bit of a shock for her. As will the coffee. As for looking after my stand – I’ve heard Tante Trude speak English. It is of the “English as she is spoke” variety.

But who am I to argue with my dear but headstrong relative? Also, I’ll enjoy showing her London a bit. Perhaps we’ll even go to Greenwich on a boat and I’ll tell her about the Meridian, the problems they had with timekeeping and why they drop the ball on the Observatory at one o’clock. I’m afraid, however, that I may be spending quite some time at Harrod’s …

Brockhaus / Antiquarium will be exhibiting at the 55 London International Antiquarian Book Fair from 24th to 25th May 2012. I look forward to seeing you at stand No. 11 at the National Hall (Olympia). For a list of the books I will be exhibiting in London, please click here. You can order directly from me, or you can come to London, see the sights, buy the books and meet myself - and Tante Trude.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Dear Frank,

    I wish your dreams will come true. Good luck in London!

